Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Part 2

Bobby Jindal - Governor of Louisiana

"If I go down as one of the more boring but effective governors, I'll take that as a great compliment. Our people don't want to be amused by our politics anymore. We don't want to be entertained."

Bobby Jindal is widely considered THE candidate of the future for the Republican party. The GOP's counter to Barack Obama.

A young, incredibly popular minority.

Jindal, of almost any other possible candidate, may have the best shot to beat Obama in 2012 in the event that Barack Obama has a successful four years. Jindal is that charming. Jindal is that good.

One thing that may hurt Jindal in the eyes of the public is his EXTREME views on abortion. Jindal wants to outlaw abortion, even in the event of the mother's life being in danger. Jindal is no exceptions. Jindal would have the base though. He's a major supporter and legislator of second amendment rights. He's the most pro-life candidate in the Republican party. He's also a throwback fiscal conservative.

Jindal, along with being Governor, also has experience as a Member of the US House of Representatives. So he's been in congress, and he's governed a state. All at the age of 37.

Biggest problem is that he may not service to the Democrats who could be swayed to vote outside party lines. Jindal may be viewed as too radical.

CONCLUSION: I think Jindal should focus on his 2012 run for a second term as Louisiana Governor. Finish that out and then prime yourself for a run in 16 as a genuine super candidate, much like Obama this year

Mike Huckabee - Former Governor of Arkansas

"Let me make something clear tonight. I'm not a Republican because I grew up rich. I'm a Republican because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life poor, waiting for the Government to rescue me."

If I had to bet on who the Republican nominee would be in 2012, I would probably bet on it being Mike Huckabee. Still relatively young, easily relatable, 10 years of executive experience and 3 as Lt. Governor.

Huckabee could win over some blue states. Probably not a New York or California, but Huckabee would DOMINATE the south in an election against Obama, and if he campaigned well, he could easily take an Iowa, a Minnesota and a Wisconsin.

Huckabee's best asset when it comes to swinging blue states is that he is always open to the possibility that he may be wrong. His doesn't have an ego that says "I'm right and you're wrong."

Instead, Huckabee approaches things with the mind set of "This is what I believe and here's why I think it would be best. I want to understand why you think otherwise, so let's talk about this."

Combine Huckabee's bi-partisanship with his evangelical swing in southern states and you have something really tough to beat. The thing that makes him a powerhouse though is that he's got over a decade of executive experience, and he knows how to inspire. The inability to inspire was one of the McCain's biggest problems this year.

Finally, the quote I posted above, the one that he made at the Republican National Convention, really seemed to strike a chord with everyone. Social Republicans, Moderate Republicans, Independents and even some wishy-washy liberals.

Mike Huckabee may be the best shot that the Republicans have in 2012.

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